Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The reason for naming the Gaza Strip .. I hope you like the subject

Gaza is one among the oldest cities in history , however why decision it by that name isn't aware accurately , as a result of this name was capable of switch distortion with dynamical nations that Saratha , they're at the Canaanites ( Hzzati ) , and once the Pharaohs ( Gzato ) , the Assyrians and Greeks and that they decision it ( Azzati ) and ( won ) , and once the Hebrews ( pride ) , and named it the Crusaders ( Gaders ) , and also the Turks failed to amendment the name of the Arab ( Gaza Strip ) Brits Vitalegon by name ( گaza ) .

The historians have disagreed - as was common for several of the traditional cities - the rationale to decision in Gaza Strip , there area unit people who say it's derived from the stamina and strength , and there area unit people who say that its that means (wealth ), alternatives|et al.|et al} see it as mean ( characteristic ) or ( competent ) qualities area unit vital except for other cities . The Sapphire Hamwi says in his lexicon : " Gaza Strip person Pflan and Aghtz do if singled out from among his companions ."

Associated with the Arabs in Gaza Strip closely it had been tradesmen return to in their trade and their travels as a crucial center for variety of trade routes , and that they represent the target of 1 of 2|the 2} flights painting two and Rdta within the Qur'an in ( Quraysh ) trip Alqrhien winter to Asian nation , and also their journey within the summer to Gaza Strip and the outskirts of the Levant , in one among the visits this summer Matt Hashim bin Abd Manaf Mustafa gramps of the Prophet peace be upon him , and was buried in Gaza Strip within the place of worship referred to as the place of worship of mister. Hashim in
(Live stairs )

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